Taxpayer: What will happen if the group's account book fails to meet the requirement? 律师:如果团体的账簿不能达到要求呐?
A: Keep clear accounts. Use proper account book. Don't as my father did, keep everything in a shoe box. 保持账目清楚。使用适合的账本。不要像我父亲一样,每样东西都记在一起。
My company is last month new the company of flowers of a nursery stock that establish, when should I make account book? 我公司是上个月新成立的一家苗木花卉公司,我该什么时间做帐呢?
Including: Double-entry system, rules of debits and credits, accounting documents, account book and checking up property. 包括:复式簿记和借贷记帐法,会计凭证、会计帐簿、财产清查。
On the one hand, Buddhist cause-and-effect concept propels the emergence of "account book" style of novels concerning borrowing and lending; 凭实说来,“帐簿”叙述曾经以其文化底蕴有功于小说的文本建构,一方面,佛教因果性的孽债观念推出了一批借还性质的“帐簿”小说;
If changed a few course, are those course OK Where is the headings in an account book with original replace? 假如更改了一些科目,那些科目可以更替原来的科目呢?
Here's your account book and passport. 这是您的存折和护照。
The account book has been retrieved also. 帐本也已经找到了。
He was sure that Shou-sheng was coming back today, and from Lishi. That was the last place on the account book list. 他早就估量到寿生一定是今天回来,而且是从栗市&收账程序中预定的最后一处,坐快班船回来;
When he added up the figures, he carried over the total into the next year's account book. 他将数字总结后转移到下年度的会计帐上。
He also kept a undisclosed account book locked in the drawer. 他还记了本后帐,就锁在抽屉里。
Foreign investment enterprises shall each keep within the Boundaries of Shanghai a complete account Book 外商投资企业必须在上海市境内设置完整的会计帐薄
Still the boss gave me a few bill, have a plenty of what delimit from the bank directly to have a plenty of the fee that pays with cash, how should I make this account book? 还有老板给了我一些票据,有的是直接从银行划走的有的是用现金交的费用,我该怎么做这个帐?
Owing to this, the part includes source document designing, account book designing, cost report designing. 根据作业成本会计的特点,账表体系主要有凭证设计、账簿设置和报表体系。
He did not know that where the steward pointed out to him in the account book the reduction of rent to one-third in accordance with his will, the labour exacted had been raised by one half. 他不知道,管事人凭本子向他表明,依照他的意志租金已减少三分之一,同时本地的赋役却增加了一半。
When the auditors arrived at the company, they have already destroyed the account book. 审计人员到公司来的时候,他们已经销毁了账本。
He entered the sum in his account book. 他把这笔钱记在账上了。
Second, whether the property is offered "off the account book" or surreptitiously should be considered. 第二,无论是物业提供的“落帐”,暗中还是应该加以考虑。
Overhead of etc of fare of the salary of personnel of treasurer of fund of conduction labour insurance of company treasurer department, office, subpoena, account book, forms for reporting statistics, all by business administration respect or burden of those representing capital. 企业会计部门办理劳动保险基金会计人员的工资、办公费用、传票、帐簿、报表及其他经常开支,均由企业行政方面或资方负担。
Does meeting influence make account book? 会影响做帐吗?
Are the accountant headings in an account book that property company uses and industry same? 物业公司用到的会计科目和工业一样吗?
Denny: Yes, here are my account book and passport. 对,这是我的存折和护照。
I looked in kang's account book at the paper mill. 我在造纸厂查了姜的账本。
That be an account book. 那是一本帐簿。
In cash log account book if was misremembered, is if where manages, receipt opens a fault this? 现金日志帐中假如记错了,收据开错是该如何处理?
The company has without income, have should make account book without fixed assets. 公司有无收入,有无固定资产都要做帐。
"Account Book" Style of Narrative and Textual Construction of Ancient Chinese Novels 帐簿叙述与中国古代小说的文本建构
All accountant arguments are same, want to remember good account book by course only. 所有的会计道理都一样,只要按科目记好帐。
Account book management by Clearing Members referred to in the preceding paragraph with regard to the conduct of clearing and settlement consigned by a Futures Commission Merchant shall separately record proprietary and consigned trading by the Futures Commission merchant. 前项结算会员对于委托其办理结算交割之期货商帐簿管理,应按该期货商自行买卖及受托买卖别登载之。